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دانلود مقاله:بهره گيري از طبيعت براي آموزش موثردرس ايستايي دررشته معماري درايرانpdf21
بهره گيري از طبيعت براي آموزش موثر درس ايستايي در رشته معماري در ايران
عنوان (انگلیسی):
نشریه: هنرهاي زيبا
شماره: هنرهاي زيبا (دوره: ۳۱، شماره: )
نویسنده: عباسعلي شاهرودي ، دكتر همايون اربابيان ، دكتر محمود گلابچي


با انقلاب صنعتي و تخصصي شدن علوم، معماري و سازه به دو رشته جدا از يكديگر تبديل گرديدند اين جدايي زمينه ساز نزديك شدن ايده هاي معمارانه به تخيلات هنرمندانه گرديد. عوامل متعددي در اين امر دخيل بوده اند كه يكي از آن عوامل آموزش دروس سازه اي به معماران مي باشد. لذا اين مقاله ضمن مرور بر نقش سازه در معماري از منظر انديشمندان، با بررسي پژوهش هايي كه در برخي از دانشگاه هاي جهان با استفاده از ابزارهاي مناسب براي اصلاح آموزش دروس ايستايي انجام پذيرفته است، به دنبال ارائه راهي براي برون رفت از اين مشكل مي باشد لذا در حوزه آموزش رشته معماري به تئوري هاي موجود در حيطه يادگيري توجه مي نمايد كه اشاره دارند براي رسيدن به مرحله به كارگيري آموخته ها نياز به بهره گيري از روش ها و ابزارهاي مناسبي مي باشد تا با مشاركت دادن دانشجو در فرآيند يادگيري، امكان درك حضوري و ملموس از مفاهيم ايستايي فراهم گردد. لذا فرضيه مقاله مبتني بر بهره گيري از طبيعت براي آموزش ايستايي مي باشد. اين مقاله حاصل پژوهش ميداني در دانشگاه مازندران مي باشد كه از طبيعت براي آموزش مفاهيم ايستايي به دانشجويان رشته معماري بر مبناي مدل يادگيري بلوم بهره گرفته شده است و در آن ضمن تحليل نتايج حاصله از اين پژوهش، افزايش ميزان يادگيري دانشجويان معماري را در درس ايستايي با بهره گيري از طبيعت را نشان مي دهد.
چکیده (انگلیسی):

In this paper apart from the study for a effect of structure in architecture in the past and present day architecture of Iran and the world, role of structure in architecture, & architectural design in the view of Architects and other thinkers is studied, and - the evaluation of teaching of Statics in Universities of Iran and in some accredited universities in foreign countries, - present difficulties for effective teaching (learning) of this lesson in Iran was considered. With industrial revolution and science becoming specialized subject, a division ( gap) between the architecture and the structure is created. With this neither the Architect gained the knowledge of structure, nor the engineer (structural designer ) benefited with the knowledge of architecture. In this several factors are involved., but teaching of static with similar method that are used for Civil Engineering will be much effective In other words, the teaching of statics by using empirical formulas and the topics had only theoretical aspects. This was the effective factor that didn’t give any deep interest of learning, rather loosening the interest and looked coldly upon the subject. There was no appropriate methods of teaching structure in Colleges of .Architecture in Iran. In this respect , research work for improvement in teaching of statics, in some of the Accredited world universities is being carried out. There, they prepare models of the structure to the scale and test models in statics lab. Use of software and other computerized program appropriate for the field of architecture. This could be helpful in creating deep interest in learning static to the students of architecture. Therefore this paper presents two views. First – all that is considered as designing i.e. architectural designing , structural designing , Installation( mech & elec) etc. should be responsibility of the Architect. Second- It should be brought in notice of the Education section of the Architecture course: that acquaintance of theories and procedures of teaching at applied stage be made so that students be able to utilized taught instructions. The theories and procedures should include the appropriate methods and tools, all this with direct participation of students. Thus, having clear understanding and concept of static.Therefore, this research paper recommends that the utilization of nature( plants and living creatures) for teaching of basic STRUCTURAL CONCEPTS is effective . In this research the nature ( animals and living creatures) is used as the basis for the static course as a method of learning for the students of architecture in Mazandaran University, Iran. This method is based on Bloom Learning method and includes : Analyses of nature , Modeling from nature , Modeling without nature & Testing the models . The statistic result shows the Learning power of the students of architecture is increasing and this method is acceptable to students, teachers and professional architects.In This research is used research methods : Causal , Descriptive & Comparative methods and is used methods of information collection : Literature search , Observation , Interview , Questionnaire & Analytic .

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.zip   iranshahrsaz.com-n21-dr golabchi-arbabian-shahrodi-.pdf.zip (اندازه: 1.38 MB / تعداد دفعات دریافت: 76)
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 سپاس شده توسط atelieahjam

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